2021年11月10日舉辦之【Euro-Asia Forum on Climate Change & Environment Sustainability】,開放報名中。
Euro-Asia Forum on Climate Change & Environment Sustainability
also The 2021 SCB Legal Forum on Adaptation to the Climate Change
Via Webinar Conference
Date:November 10, 2021
Time:1:00 PM (GMT +0) / 9:00 PM (GMT +8)
Venue: The Hub - Pacific Quay Glasgow
Meeting URL:https://reurl.cc/AR9EmZ
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Preface and Theme
This event will continue the tradition of facilitating the climate dialogue between Taiwan and the EU through the Euro-Asia Forum and the Malta Legal Forum, which is especially meaningful this year, to be held at the Taiwan Day event in Glasgow during this difficult time of the pandemic.
This year the program will be intensive and organized in three sessions, focusing on the latest issues related to climate change negotiation. The first panel will be devoted to discussing the WTO compatibility of the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), considering the probability of climate measures to harmonize environmental protection and free trade, as well as the future development of international negotiations on related issues. In the second panel discussion, the experts will tackle the need for preemptive legal measures on ocean affairs in response to the recent publication from the IPCC. In the third panel, the importance of global expansions of climate change litigation will be covered.
The main purposes of the Euro-Asia Forum and the Malta Legal Forum are to comprehensively analyze the key climate change issues from both political and academic points of view. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, scaling down this year’s program is necessary at the moment, but next year the forum will be held at at the home of the original funder, Malta, and will be expected to resume at full capacity.
While this event is of necessity limited in scope, its intense focus on climate change issues means that it will lay the groundwork for next year’s forum and beyond.
Please note that the agenda is local time in Glasgow (GMT+0)
13:00 Registration
13:30 Opening Remarks & Welcome Address
Tze-Luen Lin, Deputy Director of the Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. ; Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Simone Borg, Professor of the Head of Department of the Environmental law and Resources law within the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta ; the Chair Climate Platform, University of Malta, Malta.
13:40 Keynote I :
Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities, Full Professor of Law - University of Leuven, Chair - Sustainability College Bruges, Belgium.
The EU Road to UNFCCC Glasgow-COP26: The European Climate Law and the fit for 55 Package
13:55 Keynote II :
Lin-Yi Tsai, Director General, Department of Environment Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management, Environment Protection Agency, Taiwan.
Amending the GHG management act: Taiwan's new legal framework for the climate actions
14:10 Panel I : Keeping a Level Playing Field in Achieving Carbon Neutrality: A CBAM Perspective
Chien-Te Fan, Professor of Law, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Maciej M. Sokołowski, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration - University of Warsaw, Poland. ; Visiting Researcher - University of Tokyo, Japan.
Artificial Intelligence and Energy Transition: A Path to Green AI
Dr. Shi-Ming Chung, Researcher, Green Energy and Env. Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan.
Current Long-term Policy in Taiwan
Je-Liang Liu(劉哲良), Research Fellow, The Center for Green Economy (CGE), Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), Taiwan.
Current Status of Carbon Pricing in Taiwan
14:40 Panel II : Climate Change & Ocean Nexus: Needs for Preemptive Legal Measures
Makuch, Dr Zen A, Reader in Law, Centre for Environmental Policy, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College, UK.
Sandra Cassotta, Associate Professor, Department of Law, Aalborg University, Demark.
Ocean Acidification in the Arctic in a Multi-regulatory, Climate Justice Perspective
Simone Borg, Professor of the Head of Department of the Environmental law and Resources law within the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta ; the Chair Climate Platform, University of Malta, Malta.
The Legal Challenges to Address the Climate - Ocean Nexus: A Journey Through Unchartered Waters.
Ren-Chuan Kevin Kao, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Law, Department of Law - National Taipei University, Taiwan.
Challenges of Water Management for Climate Change – Lessons from the Drought Crisis of Taiwan in 2021
15:15 Panel III : Climate Change Litigation
Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities, Full Professor of Law - University of Leuven, and Chairman in Sustainability College Bruges, Belgium.
Babara Pozzo, Full Professor of Private Comparative Law and Director of the Department of Law, Economics and Culture – University of Insubria, Como, Italy.
Recent Trends in Climate Change Litigation - A comparative Law perspective
Wen-Hsiang Kung, Associate Professor of Environmental Law, Soochow Unversity, Taiwan.
The Role of Judicial Review under the Chang of Climate: The Taiwanese Perspective
Anton Ming-Chi Gao, Professor of Law, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Recent Development of Climate Litigation in Taiwan
15:40 Floor Discussion & Closing
◉ Online Registration NEW!!
◉ Email the Registration to blc@my.nthu.edu.tw
◉ Poster NEW!!
◉ Agenda NEW!!
◉ Registration NEW!!
◉ Conference Speakers
◉ Abstract
Contact Address
please write to blc@my.nthu.edu.tw or 886-3-5627064