Euro-Asia Forum on Energy, Environment and Climate Law
Date:November 15, 2022
Time:10:00-14:25 (GMT+2 Egypt) ; 16:00-20:30 (GMT+8 Taipei / Sinapore) ; 9:00-13:30 (GMT + 1 Brussels)
Language: This event will be held in English.
Organized By National Tsing Hua University / Sustainability college Bruges
Preface and Theme
In recent years, countries have consciously set increasingly ambitious 2030 carbon reduction targets, specifically after COP26 concluded negotiations on Article 6 rules, putting in motion the 2050 net-zero roadmap for both private and public sectors. However, the Ukraine war presented an unexpected challenge. The shortage of energy supply has led to higher energy costs for livelihood and wreaked havoc across the global economy.
In the face of this challenge, participating parties at COP27 have determined to continue working toward limiting global temperature rise, and consider renewable energy development as a critical and effective solution to the worsening global energy crisis.
Additionally, given the social disturbance caused by high energy costs, the new climate policy should include the transitional Justice in the corresponding legal framework alignment as well.
The main purpose of the Euro-Asia Forum on Energy, Environment, and Climate Law is to comprehensively analyze key climate change issues from both political and academic points of view. The conclusion of this seminar will provide policy recommendations for future discussion.
Please note that the agenda is local time in Egypt (GMT+2) ; please click the hyperlink to get Biography and Abstracts.
10:00 Registration
10:30 Opening Remarks & Welcome Address
Chien-Te Fan 范建得教授, Professor of Law, ILST, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities, Full Professor of Law - University of Leuven, Chair - Sustainability College Bruges, Visiting Professor of Law - University of Helsinki
Hung-Teh Tsai 蔡副署長鴻德 Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
James Wang, 王所長漢英博士, Vice President and General Director, Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, ITRI
10:50 Keynote Speeches
Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities, Full Professor of Law - University of Leuven, Chair - Sustainability College Bruges, Visiting Professor of Law - University of Helsinki
Energy Prices/Crises in Europe - Consequences for climate change policy and law
Lin-Yi Tsai(蔡玲儀), Director, Office of Climate Change, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.(Taiwan)
Taiwan’s 2050 Net Zero Pathway & Legal Infrastructure Development
Panel I: The Impacts of Energy Prices/Crises in Net Zero Pathway Design – An Asian Perspective
Maciej M. Sokołowski, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration - University of Warsaw (Poland), Guest Professor (Global) at Keio University Law School
Koh Moon Hyun, Professor, Soongsil University, College of Law, Seoul, Korea
Importance of CCUS as an implementation of ESG and draft law on CCUS in Korea
Linda Yanti Sulistiawati, Senior Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, and A/Prof, Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Indonesia NDC's Dilemma towards Net Zero
Shi-Ming Chung (鍾詩明), Senior researcher, Green Energy and Env. Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, ROC
A post Ukraine war Scenario simulation of Taiwan's 2050 net-zero path
Chen-An Lien (連振安), Engineer, Green Energy and Env. Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Legal Justification of Taiwan NDC—could Ukraine war be taken into account
Je-Liang Liu (劉哲良), Researcher, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Impact assessment for Taiwan’s climate action—how to include the effect of Ukraine war as a factor
Lunch Break
Panel II: The Impacts of Energy Prices/Crises in Net Zero Pathway Design – An European Perspective
Makuch, Dr. Zen A, Reader in Law, Centre for Environmental Policy, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College, UK
Catherine Banet, Professor (Ph.D), Vice Dean International Relations, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, Head of the Energy and Resources Law Department, University of Oslo
Reform agenda for EU electricity market design regulation: targeting long-term reforms in net zero energy systems
Maciej M. Sokołowski, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration - University of Warsaw (Poland), Guest Professor (Global) at Keio University Law School.
Saving Europe through energy savings: energy efficiency at the crisis front line
Stefano Fanetti, Research Associate in Private Comparative Law - University of Insubria, Como (Italy)
Local resistance to renewable energy projects: instruments to prevent and manage the oppositions
Panel III: Climate Change Legal Issues Raised in Novel Ways & the Legal Practices
Chien-Te Fan(范建得), Professor of Law, ILST, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Yelena M. Gordeeva, Assistant Professor, Law Institute - Vyatka State University (Russia)
Russia's 2050 Net Zero Pathway and Legal Infrastructure Development
Ming-Chi Gao(高銘志), Professor of Law, ILST, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC
Challenges for Taiwan High-tech Industry to Meet the Net Zero and Zero Supply Chain: Potential way-out of the impasse
Ren-Chuan Kao(高仁川), Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Law, Department of Law - National Taipei University, Taiwan
An Analysis of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Effects on Climate Change Policy —from the Perspective of East Asia
Wen-Hsiang Kung(宮文祥), Associate Professor of Environmental Law, Soochow University, Taiwan
From Climate Change to Energy Transition: A Brief Review o Relevant Issues in Taiwan
Floor Discussion & Closing
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